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Visiting in the early hours I am beginning to realize that night time, rather than being the opposite of day is in fact a different country. A colder, quieter one with less traffic, next to no public transport, fewer people, a broader selection of music, brighter visuals and sudden, chilly breezes. Where the inhabitants are perhaps more observational and thoughtful; a place with time for discussion.

Everyone I have spoken to has been remarkably cheery and good-humoured. A common theme that crops up is how much they enjoy the autonomy, that they are less likely to have a supervisor lurking over their shoulder or other workers bumbling around. This gives the nightworkers a privileged, maverick feel.

For most, music is their thumb of comfort. ipod or radio, tunes rather than chatter based. Late night DJ as complicit friend. Some of the night workers have described the hidden bond they feel with other night workers. Once their shift is over, traveling home, stepping around the wreckage of the previous evenings entertainments industry they spot fellow workers resolutely on their way home too. They give a nod or a small wave of recognition.