I have currently started an FDA course at a partner college to the University. After an initial start to the year with set tasks, we are now being encouraged to work on our own projects. We have submitted proposals and started the work based learning element of the course. Although this course has only been running a couple of years at this establishment, I feel that the environment, tutors and small cohort are awesome.


Things have moved on this year and I now find that I am studying my BA(hons) Fine Art Course at the University of Northampton. I am half way through my second year and wanted to share what I have been up to. I have started an Internship with the freshly launched NN Gallery (Formerly Fishmarket Gallery) in Northampton Town centre. I have also published a review of a performance/ exhibition in The Herbert, Coventry. I have just finished exhibiting work at the Rooftop Gallery in Corby and Gallery 202, pop-up gallery in Kettering town centre.

Currently I am working towards pieces to include in the 15 x 15 exhibition at The University’s Avenue Campus Gallery. I am driving forward with my work for the Spring Show and have also been asked to collaborate with a colleague to cast and create a commemorative bronze plaque for the School of Education at the University. It is quite an honour to be asked and I will post pictures as this project progresses. With so much to do, lectures to attend and life in general, things are getting a little hectic (I am told that is normal!).

Half way through my degree…. I am sure that the rest will go at the same lightening speed as the first half of the year.


I hope you enjoy my most recent photos. They show work that awaits marking from the external examiner. I am currently in my first year on an FdA Course with the University of Northampton. Is it a drawing or a sculpture?


Christmas is almost upon us and the weather is grim. The Xmas break gives me a chance to catch up a little and to start researching ideas for my project. I have given myself the topic of perception to work with and have been researching other artists such as James Turrell and Kurt Hentschlager. I am interested in sculpture although I am a strong painter and also good with pencil and charcoal. We have been fortunate to have had a couple of trips to various exhibitions and have had Tom Hackett come to the college to give us a lecture. I got some very good advice from him. I would also like to work with light and unusual materials in the forthcoming year.