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A weird sense of relief has passed over me over the past few days for perhaps the least desirable reasons, since, well, alot of things have been going wrong.

After a very disappointing meeting with a certain high street shop, not the first of such disappointing meetings unfortunately, there was at least a glimmer of hope at the beginning of last week for the part of the work based on ‘context’ to pull through… until this weekend I got the rejection email.

This also (unfortunately) was not the only rejection email I have received from various shops regarding both the context work and also my need to find a shop window to stand in for a scene in a film!

To continue in the theme of unfortunateness, after watching through my ‘Atalanta’ film it was quickly clear that it was too weak a film in comparison to ‘King Midas Has Donkeys Ears’ and that the end of the film needed re-writing, to at least re-appropriating in a different way.

Thennn, a shop which said I could get a shot of me in their window pulled out… the night before filming….

And then, my tripod broke…. the morning of filming

AND a seagull pooped on my camerawoman.

But weirdly I am calm, I wasn’t very calm last week, or even particularly Monday, but I have now accepted that things are going to go a little wrong, and they may as well go wrong now, rather than the week the show is due to open. I have also eaten alot of chocolate and drank a fair amount of wine.