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How creative people find their inspiration.

I read this article on The Guardian website today and it really stuck with me, I relate to this so strongly in the way this artist works and find myself doing the same so it was reassuring and rather comforting to hear a professional say it (especially the parts about daydreaming and being messy!)

Susan Philipsz, artist

• If you have a good idea, stick to it. Especially if realising the project is a long and demanding process, try to keep true to the spirit of the initial idea.

• Daydream. Give yourself plenty of time to do nothing. Train journeys are good.

• Be open to your surroundings. I try to find inspiration in the character of the place I’m exhibiting in. It helps me if I can respond to something that is already there.

• Always have something to write with. I seldom draw these days, but I need a pen in my hand to think.

• I like reading and watching movies, but mostly I find that it’s things I have seen or read a long time ago that come back to me. The things that you found inspiring when you were starting out usually stay with you.

• Keep it simple.

• Be audacious.

• It doesn’t always have to make sense.

• I love silence. I can’t listen to music while I work and I need to be alone.

• I go through messy phases and tidy phases. Being messy during a tidy phase is never good, and vice versa.


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