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I will be showing my screen printed work at the NUCA Fine Art Degree Show this summer.

Please join me in celebrating my graduation with this final show at Norwich University College of the Arts!

The show is on from 27th June to 3rd July 2012 10am – 4pm daily (closed Sunday) at Norwich University College of the Arts, St George’s Street, Norwich, NR2 4SN

My work will be in the St George’s street building, it is the old red brick building where you will find the information desk in the foyer. My prints will be on the top floor in the room at the far end of the corridor.

I will also be selling a limited edition screen print which will be on display in the glass cases in the foyer, these prints are available for sale at very affordable prices from the NUCA Gallery just opposite.

Find out more about my work & have a look at my gallery of images on my website:www.claremills.co.uk

You can also follow my run up to the degree show on my art blog to see the behind the scenes of making and installing the work http:// www.claremills.co.uk/blog.html

“I am a Fine Art student at Norwich University College of the Arts, specialising in Printmaking. My work has been very influenced by fashion photography and illustration, recently focusing on identity within art and culture and more specifically the representation of women in art and culture. I produce work which shows an intimacy often hidden, inviting the viewer into the privacy of the lives of others, beyond the boundaries of which are normally set at a distance.

I fell in love with printmaking the moment I stepped into the workshop; the sound of mixing ink, scraping of squeegees, hum of the vacuums, the buzz of the workshop. I haven’t stopped since.

I address issues of women in society, the cliché representations and stereotypes. Pushing the boundaries and confronting the audience with imagery that challenges their acceptance in society, by displaying them in a public space, available to a different audience to that which the original sources were intended.

I work using a variety of media, namely silk-screen printing, drawing, photography and text. As an avid printmaker I regularly experiment with different medias and techniques.

I am also available for commissioned screen printing work at very reasonable costs.”

Taking iniative from the a-n article on promoting your own degree show (www.a-n.co.uk/p/956547/ )

Taken from the facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/345596982162806/