A rare opportunity arose recently, for something that I know (from reading blogs on Artists Talking) many artists long for. A few weeks ago I had sent a ‘good luck’ message to a friend who was about to present her work to a crit group. ARC, based at Aspex, runs these sessions on a regular basis, and although I had known of the groups I had never quite got round to going along. To cut a long story short, I was asked if I would like to have a crit of my exhibition at GASP.
Well I jumped at the chance, it was just too good to pass up. The opportunity for critical feedback, the chance to see if I can verbalise my thoughts in public, and to see if any of it made sense. There was the added benefit that it was to be a crit not just of the work, but of the show as a whole. Invaluable.
Yesterday evening, Jonathan Parsons and Phyl Payne from ARC, and around 10 group regulars (all practising artists I believe) descended on my exhibition to give me the lowdown.
I was nervous, a little part of me wondering if I was about to be torn limb from limb. I needn’t have worried. It was great.