purple=present/future, mauve=pre covid, blue=lockdown,

Covid casts a shadow over both the past and the future

soft bright pink=present/future, magenta=pre covid, blue with pink edge=covid

A bit of light and a bit of dark



Light is generous. If you have ever had occasion to be out early in the morning before the dawn breaks, you will have noticed that the darkest time of night is immediately before dawn. The darkness deepens and becomes more anonymous. If you had ever been in the world and ever known what a day was you couldn’t possibly imagine how the darkness breaks. How the mystery and colour of a new day arrives. Light is incredibly generous, but also gentle. When you attend to the way the dawn comes, you learn how light can coax the dark. The first fingers of light appear on the horizon ever so deftly and gradually, they pull the mantle of darkness away from the world quietly before you is the mystery of a new dawn, the new day.

John O’Donoghue (1956–2008), Anam Cara

priest, philosopher and spiritual writer.