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I finished the large charcoal picture I’d been working on during the week. I had worked on it incrementally, readdressing it each time I came in to the studio doing other projects in between and then quite suddenly it was finished, unexpectedly. I had anticipated going back and working into it changing values and emphasis until I was happy, but it was just done as though the decision wasn’t mine to make. I suppose it wasn’t. 

As part of my re-emergence from inward time in the studio I applied at the last minute to the Ing Discerning Eye open. There was a size limit, which in turn was a choice limit as I usually work bigger. I was intending to just choose a couple of pictures from this year and last, but as I was looking for photographs I came across an earlier painting I’ve always liked and added that too. Made in different mediums perhaps the pictures look unrelated and too scatter gun, but content and approach they are related, maybe like big family of full, half and step siblings who themselves don’t acknowledge their separations, but who are observed by others as groupings of different parentage.