Giorgio Agamben ‘The Open: Man and Animal’ 2002 (from the chapter entitled Umwelt)
‘Uexkull shows that such a unitary world does not exist, just as a space and a time that are equal for all living things do not exist. The fly, the dragonfly, and the bee that we observe flying next to us on a sunny day do not move in the same world as the one in which we observe them, nor do they share with us – or with each other – the same time and the same space.’
‘There does not exist a forest as an objectively fixed environment: there exists a forest-for-the-park-ranger, a forest-for-the-hunter, a forest-for-the-botanist, a forest-for-the-wayfarer, a forest-for-the-nature-lover, a forest-for-the-carpenter, and finally a fable forest in which Little Red Riding Hood loses her way.’
I might as well add another post while I can! It is a lovely warm late Spring day here in Melbourne (the heat is early this year) and I anticipate the cold winter of Halifax with some trepidation… During Xmas I will be back in old Blighty, however, catching up with my roots, family and friends, so this may provide some useful seasonal adjustments.
I am working on the sound work for NSCAD which will be along the lines of me trying to ‘learn pigeon’. This will follow an idea that is not unlike those audio learning cds that accompany language learning these days.
‘New Practical Pigeon Reader!’
‘A new set of texts and audio designed for native English speakers to learn Pigeon!’
I don’t think I can upload sound bytes to this blog, but there is a small example on my site.