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Bird Diary entry Mon 21st winter solstice northern hemisphere West London

7.20 am

Sun rising – prussian blue lightening to cobalt, and light blue in east. Very cold – minus 2′, patches of snow now re-frozen and all water solid ice. Few birds – cold and silent. Then two small sounds – ‘chck’ing and a 2 or 3 note whistle. Blue tits? Yes. Blackbird? High air, clear, cloudless, sharp as a knife. Planes fly over irregularly (Heathrow flight path).

Must re-familiarise myself with the birds here. Crows (Carrion crow), pigeons and seagulls common as usual.

Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Carrion crow (Corvus corone)

Pigeon (Columba livia)

Herring/Atlantic gull (Larus argentatus)