Viewing single post of blog NUA MA Textile design reflective journal

Today was the life drawing session. We started off by doing 1 min, 2 min, 5 min and 10 min drawings of the lady in different drawing positions. This was quite intense as i had to try and get the right proportions in a short length of time. This was my first time doing life drawing so it was really interesting to see other peoples perspectives and methods of drawing. My favourite drawing was the abstract piece i made with the fabric, i like how its very simplistic yet you can still kind of see the shape of the body. i also liked layering different drawings on one bit of paper, it made the overlapping look more dynamic. Overall, this workshop really helped me in terms of fashion illustrating, i have a more realistic sense of body proportions that i can use when design my own fashion pieces. Futhermore, this workshop has helped me to explore new ideas when getting inspiration for samples, could i showcase my work visually on body shapes made out of foil or sticks for example? Could i create abstract silhouutes where my designs would be placed?