Since 2015 I have been making collaborative artworks for SALT festival including three commissioned films shot on location in Dover, Folkestone and Samphire Hoe with Joanna Jones and Helen Lindon. We have set up a new website, designed by Helen with a lovely contribution about collaboration by Joanna:

The three artists have in common a practice with paint and ink that enables the medium to find its voice.  What has brought them together is a shared interest in experimental processes to make synergic, truly collaborative work where each artist takes equal responsibility and results in work that could only have been achieved with the input of all three. 

There is a chance to see all three films, including the premiere of Moon Talk, followed by a discussion with the artists on Saturday 21 September, 2pm. Quarterhouse, Tickets £3

Six eyes see more than two – add to this cameras, mobile phones, recorders and these collaborators add up to more than the sum of their parts.


“A wonderful celebration of creativity, sisterhood, the power of the sea and nature” Audience feedback 2018




Plans are underway to exhibit the chemo drawings with paintings by Joanna Jones.


Sometimes it’s good to take a step sideways as in the attached drawing which is not connected to anything in particular or any particular project. What I am asking myself though at the moment is whether or how I can bring the approach and or intensity of my chemo drawings to other work.

This quite small 32.5x18cm.