Inspired by a conversation between some Twitter friends about a piece in the latest edition of anarchist letterpress journal The Cunnigingham Amendment (…) I’ve decided to take my own 2 week ‘media detour’ involving a 14 day self imposed ban from the internet.
So no blogging for 2 weeks. Or Facebook or Twitter. Or WordPress. EEK. I spend a lot of time on these things. So maybe it was time to step away entirely from the endless twitchy checking of the Blackberry and actually switch the damn thing off for once, go cold turkey.
And actually it has been really good. Without the tyranny of that flashing red light, surprise surprise I’ve gotten more done. My attention span has improved, I’ve read more, my thoughts are less distracted. My brain feels clearer.
And instead of blogging here, I made a zine, collecting work, thoughts reading and findings from the summer. Looking through the pages, I realised I haven’t in fact lost my creative mojo as I had feared. Its just working under a different rhythm, which I’ve yet to discover.
My zine is called ‘We Need These Days To Be Quiet’. If you’re interested in getting hold of a copy you can buy it here for £2.…
Many thanks to Twitter compadres @gridula @warrendraper and @bradleybooks for prompting my media detour adventure.