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I was up at 4.50 this morning to get a train to Århus that would get me in for 10am. I returned to the hut at 10pm! My day at home was worth the five hour journey though. We kept Zach out of childcare for the day and he and I went into Copenhagen and visited the wonderful blegdamsremisen play centre for children which has a 0 to 3 year session on Tuesday mornings.  It was so restorative to be home and spending some time with family.  Today has been gruelling again though.  As feared, the angle into the rear ‘swinging’ panel is too wide meaning the triangular sections were not long enough. I had to make the painful decision to leave a gap at the front, on the right side.  I preferred that option to the suggestion of hacking the end off the swinging panel with a circular saw!

Only just managed to put a couple more coats on the rear which I must graphite and glaze in its entirety tomorrow. Moreover the front still has blemishes aplenty some of which I can try to remedy, others might be best left. The overall quality of the surface finish is not what I’d have hoped, but I think the rain and damp is partly to blame for that.  Tomorrow the press preview is at 11am, no hope of being finished for that but I’d like to make the cocktail party at 7.  What do we slave for months for if we can’t make the party at the end..?