This project has already begun. It is a few months old. 7 paintings are in various stages of progress.
They are based on a few things:
– art world ‘players’, or art stars, or the inside, the center from my place on the “outside”. Although, I may place the center of my world here or there, or elsewhere. The roles people take and the gestures in photos that shape and drive, and choose the art that I see online, in museums, galleries, etc. are what I am thinking and looking at, searching for, coming across.
This project is not meant to isolate figures in the art world, while they are in my mind, and that is what I am painting, I then look at what I painted.
As I continue on the project, the figures break down any preconcieved notions I have about the roles played, and expand on them, to reveal another creative source.
For awhile it felt like a negative critical place to paint from, but that has changed and I rather notice my outside’ness more so, as a joyous center.