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All’s Quiet

I went over the Golf Course the other day half expecting to see changes. Diggers or areas cordened off, hoardings or something to indicate building work starting. But no all’s quiet:

Except I found a blue tent. What I wanted to do was tell my dog to go and check it out, make sure it was empty before I did. I could not do that as it was just on the other side of a boundary fence running along the Brook of Plenty. The fence was actually down and the posts used as bridges across the brook at that point where the tent was. Lots of barbed wire still attached, so I alone had to negotiate the brook to check the tent out. Cosmo did not fancy the barbed wire obsticles and I encouraged him to stay on golf course side of the brook, he tried to out flank the fence and obsticles, to no avail. Tent empty, flapping in the wind. Loads of bottles and rubbish strewn all around, not exactly in harmony with nature and idillic brook beside it.

Kind of sad looking at this scene, as it shows a total disregard for something ……. which I can’t quite describe….all take, and give back nothing in return…a one way relationship to the natural world, in that it is there to be used up. Left behind only contamination.

I checked out the areas where trees have been felled and what I am calling the ‘new earthworks’. The removal of these trees has diluted the sensation of corridors, which were a hang over from the fairways when it was a golf course. A kind of random tree positioning is the result. Interesting to position new houses amongst a random treescape I thought.

Moving on I found two traffic cones placed close together…to close to be goal posts, and they were on the tatooed mans side of a brook? I saw this brook marked on a map as the Herne Drain.

And I also saw a couple more numbers on the roofing felt squares. I looked under them (like the tatooed man did). Nothing. But as I walked I began to form a theory that they were around the perimeter of a shape. On my next visit this will be my objective to prove or disprove this hypothasis!