Now the waters have subsided and things begin to settle down I have enjoyed walking ‘Over the Golf Course’. I have my country park back, at least for a while.
The ground seems to be recovering it’s still very muddy but somehow tracks, lines and pathways seem to show themselves more than usuall.
I can see plenty of 4×4 tracks all over the place criss crossing the whole site, particularly to the corner where the horse lives. I can also see motor bike tracks carving lines all over place. There is also a public footpath which wears a line along the ground.
But there seems to be other tracks! These seem to often peter out or dwindle to nothing. But they run quite some distances and not so obviously leading to exits, or stables etc. I am sure I have not found them all yet and I keep wondering if they are motor bike tracks that are older and more worn in? I dont think they are they are wobbly in places. The only explanation I have come up with is that the sheep while they were there had sort of traversing routes they used to navigate the area. I noticed a couple of tracks leading to a clump of trees which still had snags of wool all around the bottom? As if they were kind of scratching posts.
I also saw a small bird in the meadow and thought that bird does not seem concerned as I walked past on the ground only several feet away. I really looked at it and thought is it just a sparrow it seems to like the ground a lot for a sparrow. When I got home I identified it as a reed bunting!
It is still just possible to identify the putting greens, partly they apear to have a different colour grass and the surounding earthworks and plateaus give them away.