I thought about everyone’s individual practice and in doing so I recalled their past and present works. I noticed a subconscious development of similar thought processes amongst members of the group, through social interaction, presentation and visual stimuli, an inexplicable occurrence where by everyone’s work appears to relate to the group as a whole.
The title of our show is ‘forty two degrees’. This was based on the original number of artists in the group. Now, unfortunately we are but forty one. I believe the forty second artist still exists. They are made up of forty one students, forty one statements, forty one pieces of work and forty one minds with the ability to overcome challenges, resolve issues and move forward.
The forty second artist represents not only the group as a whole but also as an individual, it represents a synergy that would not exist without each and every member.
I am often criticized for being too honest, there were fears that publicly voicing my experiences would reflect negatively on the group and on our degree show. My opinions of the higher education system don’t reflect those within it. My work doesn’t reflect the group as a whole. I am merely an artist with an opinion, amongst forty other artists with their own opinions.
Isn’t it better to tell the truth than to write whilst wearing rose tinted glasses?