Coleg Menai
The BA Hons Fine Art (awarded by Glyndwr University) aims to be a challenging and exciting experience taught by practicing artists with National and International reputations.
The BA Hons Fine Art (awarded by Glyndwr University) aims to be a challenging and exciting experience taught by practicing artists with National and International reputations.
Bug Cinema is a new ecological forest art commission for the Whale Oil to Whole Foods summer eco-arts festival in Greene County, upper New York State. Bug Cinema will be revealed to the forest as a portable glow-lab UV solar […]
BA (Hons) Fine Art. To read my blogger profile
This is about my attempts to make things happen after completing an MA in Fine Art. What do you do after such an intense period of focus and research?
The visionary council housing developments of the 1960’s may be far from the decaying estates of today, but can we embrace their utopianism. My paintings deal with the now and the then, the optimism contasting with the look of wear […]
We are thrilled to have received a NAN futuristic Bursary to visit the North Wales Potters’ smokeless wood-fired kiln in Wales. We are hoping to build a similar kiln in Sheffield in a smokefree zone – we believe that we […]
B.A (Hons) Fine Art, based at K College’s Henwood Campus, Ashford. My blogger profile:
BA Hons Art Practice. Covers all aspects of art and isnt pin pointed on one specific skill.
BA(Hons) Fine Art
Fine Art, specialising in Printmaking
MA Fine Art: Site and Archive Intervention
B.A. (Hons) Fine Art – part time I am a mature student in my 60’s with a background in the arts. I have previously completed 4 years part time at Leeds College of Art and transfered to Plymouth last year […]
Fine Art (BA Hons) ‘The course enables students to develop and produce challenging contemporary artworks that often emphasise audience and context, and investigate the role of the artist in the 21st century. We’re exposed to a range of practices that […]
My next performance will be concerned with the seemingly opposite actions, drawing and running. I will over a week run between 5 venues, some arts based and some non-arts based whilst drawing. This is planned for May in 2012 the […]
Fine Art and Photography BA (Hons)
BA Fine Art (Painting)
Fine Art – Painting and Printmaking
I am currently working as an Artist in Residence at a small primary school on the west coast, where I will work until mid June. I intend to document my progress and experiences through this blog and welcome any comments […]
Fine art PhD student in the School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds. I am interested in visualising invisible existence in colourful way.
fail to plan you plan to fail
σχέδιος is the new daily blog of Iris Priest…. artist, ponderer, professional procrastinator…..
Being a recepient of a Grants for the Arts, I would like to share my thoughts as the project develops over the course of one year. ” A thousand Sheep” project includes a residency at River Bourne Community Farm, in […]
Part of GrowYourOwn*BlowYourOwn. An Arts Council England sponsored project. This is the ‘multiple participant project’ element which will be an interactive installation at Fermynwoods Country Park, Northamptonshire.
MA Multi-disciplinary Printmaking…a three year part-time course involving practical and contextual studies with access to print/photography/textile printing/fabrication.
I have recently arrived in New Ferry where I am undertaking an artist in residency at the New Ferry Butterfly Park. It is organised by Carol Ramsey who is passionate about the park and made a wonderful job of organising […]