Blogs - Page 121 of 135 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Miche? O'Connell
Blog Artist

Open Art Surgery

Given the increasing numbers of academically qualified artists, some educated even to PhD level (there now exist Doctors of Art), I have wondered, for a number of years, about the concept of an Art Surgery modelled around the idea of […]

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Witney Yarn
Blog Artist

What is the importance of history ?

I have to depict the history of a town. This was my proposal and it was accepted. Suddenly then; history has become a real thing, not just a word on a piece of paper that represents….well er just …stuff. I […]

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In a Moment Holding Time
Blog Artist

Exploring new contexts

Return to practice. This is an account of me focusing on my textile practice and where its going, funded by Arts Council West Midlands. I’ve spent the last 5 years with my own work taking a back seat to community […]

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Blog Artist

David Bethell

Here is a little introduction to myself. I am currently one of the directors at AirSpace Gallery, in Stoke on Trent. I am also a practising artist, when I find the time to make work. I work in a number […]

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Untitled III
Blog Artist

The Journey After Graduation

I have just finished my degree, infact my degree show is still open, yet I already feel, as an emerging artist, like one rain drop in a downpour. This blog is to help me keep conected, give me a little […]

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Saskia Neary
Blog Artist

creative leanings

Creative projects are essential to maintaining a sense of purposefulness, excitement and sanity. I start an MA in Art Psychotherapy at Goldsmiths in September 2010. This will be a real challenge with a 2 year old. I want to find […]

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Nana laughing
Blog Student

University of Huddersfield

The Textile Crafts course offers a diverse range of techniques, ranging from weave, print, embroidery, knit and everything in between! After your first year you will then go on to specialise in one of the four main areas. We have […]

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Margareta Kern
Blog Artist


This blog tracks the development of my residency with the University of Bath’s Department of Social Science and the Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts, March-June 2010. I will explore work, labour, particularly focusing on intersections between artistic and sociological/anthropological work […]

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Dun Carloway Broch
Blog Artist

When The Stone Falls The World Will End

The project discussed is a joint collaboration between two artists, Neil Galligan a watercolour painter, and Kim Walker, a digital artist. Both artists travelled together for three weeks around the Western Isles, collecting material in 2009. When The Stone Falls […]

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Dungbeetle and Sisyphus
Blog Artist

rolling my dung, in four acts

.. currently very busy! .. am developing a new project: “Dungbeetle and Sisyphus” (film and performance) for the Portuguese Consulate in Manchester .. & .. collaborating with vocalist/performer Steve Boyland. …& .. preparing exhibition with Arena for the Biennial … […]

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