Blogs - Page 4 of 135 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Gene Expression

Gene Expression: A Wellcome Trust funded project exploring the role of the thymus in autoimmune diseases, interpreted through video-art and prints.

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Blog Artist

Never Forgotten

Exhibition news and update of work in progress by Gayle Rogers on her commemoration-centred practice. Supported by an Artist Bursary: Artist Information Company 2023

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Blog Artist

Cambridge Sustainability Residency 2016

A selected group of international artists researching both onsite and remotely beginning with themes of insulation and growth, attending talks, workshops, events, walks, skills sharing, followed by exhibition at the Ruskin Gallery 30 July 2016

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Blog Arts organiser

Want to Believe: An Exploration of Transhumanism by David Vintiner

David Vintiner’s latest exhibition, titled “I Want to Believe: An Exploration of Transhumanism,” invites viewers to question what it truly means to be human in an age of rapid technological advancement.

Private view Thursday 6th June from 6pm to 9pm

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Blog Artist

Life Drawing and Arts Practice Cycles

I came across a Drawing from my Mansfield College of Art Life Drawing Class ‘77 and realised its exactly the sort of artwork I want to return to, wacky?

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Blog Artist

Cross Party Committee Report on Grass Roots Live Music

BBC Reports on the Committee’s findings and recommendations but not on any reaction from the Grass Roots Live Music Venue Community. Suggesting also that a similar Govt enquiry into support for Independent Visual Artists might come up with solutions to their plight.

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Blog Artist

Mapping on …

Still here, still working, still mapping after a fashion

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Blog Artist

macro & micro

Examining those things we usually overlook.

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Blog Artist

Project Art Works residency with Tate

Project Art Works artists respond to the works featured in Tate Modern’s new exhibition Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and The Blue Rider.

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Blog Artist

Starting Out

When you are in the place of getting your art work off the kitchen table, you don’t need any more of your own canvas, on your living room walls. Can I make an income from my art?

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Blog Student

The perils of being a mature art student

    Its a cliché, that mature art students use: I wanted to go to art school but my parents thought it better I chose a more practical degree and then find a job. Been there. Done that, Got the […]

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Blog Artist

Sharing Stories, Healing Hearts: Join the Grief Letter Project

“One often calms one’s grief by recounting it.” Pierre Corneille   What is the story? In the quiet moments of grief, when words seem inadequate and emotions overwhelm, there exists a sacred space for healing—a space often found within the […]

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Blog Arts organiser

£10,000 Cash Art Prize Launched By Cass Art

The Cass Art Prize is launched by the family who championed Monet and Van Gogh. The annual competition is open to visual artists from every discipline across the UK and includes a £10,000 main cash prize and London winners exhibition.

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Journey Of University (Second Year)

Journey Of University (Second Year) Hello! My name is Tamara and I’m currently in my second year of university studying Fine Art. I’m creating this blog to share my thoughts and experiences and also to reflect on the journey of […]

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