Blogs - Page 44 of 135 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Prospecting Symposium Review by Gabrielle Hoad

Supported by Visual Art South West, Exeter based writer & artist Gabrielle Hoad received writing bursary to review the ‘Prospecting’ Artists Symposium, which took place on 1st November at University Centre Somerset. Images by London based artist Léonie Hampton.

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Blog Arts organiser

The Era of the Artrepreneur

Once upon a time, artists who wanted to pursue a full-time art career had limited options. Self-taught artists and recent art graduates could get a job, a very small percentage could be signed by a gallery right away, or they could […]

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Blog Artist

Her Quiet Materials

A blog about artists, historical and contemporary, who use textiles as a starting point. Written by Claire Benn, leading textile artist, teacher and curator.

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Blog Artist

Foible Strength

Revealing inner vulnerabilities can radiate your courageous strength of character

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Blog Artist

Portrait of a Parent

Portrait of a Parent is the title to my MA proposal and I aim to create a body of work that supports new understandings of parenthood and creates a platform for dialogue between parents both with and without children.

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Blog Artist

Ingruttati Palermo, Manifesta12

Diary of my experience taking part in a project as part of Manifesta12. The related exhibition ran from 27 July – 4 November 2018

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Blog Artist

Rome Art Week

Current work explores globalisation through its accelerated impact on city space. Operating at the intersection of urbanisation, postcolonialism and interculturalism, urban-spatial movements are sampled and traced within densely populated and expanding cities.

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Blog Artist

Juggling Lilith’s crumbs

Documentation of exhibition – Inland Project at APT Gallery for DeptfordX 2018. Collaborative project by Flora Bradwell, Sylwia Narbutt and Scott Lawrence Macfadyen.

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Blog Artist

‘8 Poor Copies’ by Owen G. Parry (excerpts)

‘8 Poor Copies’ is both a response to Richards’ show ‘Poor Copy’ at Northern Charter in April 2018, and a kind of manual for thinking through our respective practices, including our show ‘PooR Life by dog people’ at Transition Two Gallery, opening next week

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Blog Artist

“Sound Scape” 2016 – a-n Professional Development Bursary 2016

I was delighted to hear I had been awarded an a-n Professional Development Bursary as I had already started on my project “Sound Scape” a collaboration between myself and Julia Harding, musician and composer for this work and this will provide the wherewithal to […]

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Blog Artist

The Disappearance of Makepeace – A Tale of Two Lives Episode 1

This blog takes the form of a mystery thriller podcast telling the story of how Nick Malone came to become an artist. It underpins his upcoming exhibition of the same name which will run from 6th to 10th November at Art Bermondsey Project Space in London.

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Thérèse Blanchard, Girlhood and Rage

I’ve been thinking for months about Thérèse Dreaming, Balthus- 1938. Specifically, about the Met Museum’s description of the painting. The first line reads: “With closed eyes, Balthus’s pubescent model is lost in thought. Thérèse Blanchard, who was about twelve or […]

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