Blue Monkey Network is an artists’ organisation run by artists for artists. Organiser Judith Alder, runs the Network in partnership with Eastbourne’s Towner gallery, who invited Blue Monkey to establish the Network in 2011. Since then the group has held […]
Sifting through old diaries, notebooks, sketchbooks, scraps of paper I realise these thoughts might have some coherence alongside my ongoing collection of photos of things that aren’t really there.
Out of rejection came an opportunity; an opportunity to play with space. Out of a feeling of ho-hummness about making endless applications came a chance to think on my feet and be suspended in the moment of making. Working site […]
Happy to be the recipient of an a-n Re:View bursary, blogging the process as it unfolds
This blog contextualises a project exploring sEMG biofeedback in performance and sound art. The project is supported by the a-n New Collaborations. The author is Victoria Gray, a visual artist specializing in performance, and the project collaborators are, Oliver Larkin, […]
This year I’ll be researching the nature of communication with a small research grant from the Arts Council of Wales. I will be recording ‘human soundtracks’ and creating an audio-visual ‘orchestra’ for May. I’ll work with musicians and individuals with […]
For the last four years SLWA have actively been involved at the Women of the World Festival (WoW) during International Women’s Day in March. We normally promote our organisation and artists inside the Royal Festival Hall. This year was different […]
During a research trip to Chongqing, China, I will explore how we gesture with our bodies when we write or draw, where the languages of drawing and writing meet and diverge, how the gestures change with the scale upon which […]
Exciting and new developments are happening within South London Women Artists (SLWA). We have just become a Limited Company by guarantee and we are in the process of applying for charitable status. SLWA is in it’s 6th year and every […]
Rather than talk about my work on here (I have tried it and it seems to make me quite despondent) I have decided it will be far more helpful for me to explore some of the issues facing artists trying […]
Reflections on grief and the creative process, prompted by my current solo show of sculptures ‘The Gifts of The Departed’ at Manchester Craft and Design Centre, until March 2014 and the showing of The Gifts (2010) at Zhejiang Museum in […]
But, having won a Review bursary my hand has been forced and here I am dipping my toe in the digital stream with some thoughts that will noodle around my attempts to once again re-invent my mode of work.
This blog traces the continuing development of two projects begun during my recent Masters degree. Questioning the nature of objects, images and experiences, I am interested in the unreliability or inconsistency of images and meaning, and how we might or […]
This blog is a kind of glossary of practice, not necessarily in alphabetical order.
PRIMARY Old Skool Breaks 8: From a Dizzying Height Mik Godley and Rebecca Beinart present new work exploring stories of expulsion, migration and return. Large scale drawings and installation From 2013-2014 Primary artists present ‘Old Skool Breaks’, a series of […]
‘Time to think’ I find myself returning to a dream that I had many years ago, whose meaning escapes me, but which was so ‘pure’ that perhaps it’s now time to excavate it a little. In the dream I see […]
contemporary. conceptual.
A diary of a project in the making! Reflections, thoughts and process. My project started whilst working in a cheese shop, it has evolved very quickly (quicker then this blog being updated…)
During my two-chapter residency at Westminster Reference Library I will expose and question a language we collectively recognise from a wider world of work. The blog will document work-in-progress.
This year I was awarded an a-n Re:view Bursary for mentoring. This blog will reflect some of the developments, thoughts and discussions that take place during that process.
I’m delighted to be one of the 25 artists that have been awarded a bursary by The Artists Information Company to support critical and artistic development. This blog follows the journey of my resulting experiences and learning. Thanks a-n for […]
Having re-engaged with my practice due to the Artist Teacher Scheme, I am now continuing my journey through the M.A. in Arts Practice and Education. Time to take a deep breath…and here we go!
A collaboration between artist Charley Peters and photographer Eddie Otchere. We will be making, discussing and probably disagreeing about work while developing a dialogue between the analogue processes of drawing and chemical photography. Project supported by an a-n New Collaborations […]