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I'm starting with the time in the space first, the previous efforts collecting information and organizing was scattered and frequently interrupted.

I entered a freshly painted space, very quaint and delightful (if not smelling slightly nauseating) on Monday morning, fresh up from ‘the city’ on a long bus, I’d given myself a treat of a non decaf latte and thus, was really raring to go.

I bought a small 99p bunch of red tulips – red is the colour of this who she-bang – so it seemed fitting despite not particularly enjoying cut flowers generally.

A few people popped their heads in, having been alerted to the show via email from the space’s organizer, they were curious. I was curious at what they thought it might be…many offered to come back later in the week. Kind. A couple I’d helped out with the Big Draw stuck their heads in the door to drop off the newspaper article from the event. I invited them to the open evening, though I was secretly hoping no one would come.

I worked piece by piece, labeling and photographing each as I finished, and by pinching wireless from a nearby business was able to post them in medias res, which I was pleased with.

As well as with the massive extent of tunage I was able to enjoy while the mood swings of putting up pieces I had the evening I had troubled over.

A quick walk towards the seaside at teatime, a few pieces of sugary fruit and I can’t lie, some Smarties…I finished the last few pieces, made mental notes for the morning and cleaned up a bit. I felt pleased. I felt like I was in a different world. I had been everywhere I’d ‘discussed’ during the day, photographs of cows, a bandstand and a waterfall in Norway, I’d been there – often after moving onto a new piece, my mind stuck in the old thoroughly confusing my body as to where it was going when I boarded the number 6 just before 8pm.

I decided to make cookies for my private view and stopped at the shop to grab a few ‘bits’ on the way home.

I sat down with my notebook and laptop after sorting out the cookies and Shrek2, and made some comments about the day. 1) concerned about the audience slightly (they want pretty pastel pictures – did she (the organizer) tell them that is what I did?) 2) my entry display and the guest book I was given to use (gallery suggestion) look like a wedding reception at the Legion, or a High School graduation table. 3) Am I going to want to change it? 4) My favourite piece, is shoddily displayed (but it might work). 5) my foot doesn't hurt anymore!

Before finishing the description note to hang by the pretty flowers and after posting the remainder of the work online, I wrote a long email to my friend in Beirut who just started teaching and declared that a large chunk of my recent stress has been due to a continued insistence that nothing is ever good enough where I am (basically) and that though I do want to visit home, I know it isn't going to save me (but I will be able to play in the mud as liberally as I like, something I strangely lack the ability for in H&S land).

To bed, to "dream on the event.