art in 4D (or the tightrope walk of making work using painting, photography, drawing and sculpture)


The long gap between posts represents starting an MA Fine and Applied Arts. Working three days a week at a gallery and a mid-winter trudge through the snow.

A lot of work has happened and I have recently updated my website with some of it:


Water Light:

Experimental film project with artists Harriet Gifford and Hazel Stone.

This is a free public screening of short films by us, the two artists, onto the facade of the old cinema building on Whitstable High Street. The event is taking place between 8-9pm on Saturday 15th September. 44-48 Whitststable High Street (Budgens). It is free and open to all.

All plans are steeming ahead, all permissions have been granted so its all go. I am really excited and a little anxious as well. But it should be great. We have a couple of other film makers who will be recording the event and posting on youtube and elswhere. We have a fb page. So check out


Water Lights. I am curating an outdoor public screening of new experiental films by myself and Hazel Stone for Whitstable Bennale Satellite. We had a technical run through last night and it looks amazing. I’m very happy. More details to follow.


phew, what a round-a-bout.

I am trying to organise a public outdoor screening for a new film as part of the Whitstable Biennale Satellite. Mostly I have encountered enthusiastic and helpful people but trying to establish whether or not I might require planning consent or temporary events licence is proving to be a circular process. Maybe I do need one, maybe I don’t, but so far no one is willing to go on the record, even at the planning office to say I definately don’t.

At this rate I am hoping to have 3 films screening at different locations during the Biennale. So I am feeling good, if tired trying to keep all the balls in the air. Plus I am doing an all day art market in Ashford tomorrow to try to keep the free exchange of art for money going!

And a week’s holiday, planned long before all these other balls went into orbit, the week before the Biennale. Hopefully I’ll be relaxed and not a screwed up ball of elastic by the time I get back.


Debut Film:

on Saturday I made my first short film. I got up early and shot some footage, on my first video camera, in the village where I live. I imported the files to my computer, used my new software to edit it, made and added some music.

I opened a Vimeo account and uploaded my little film. I went to the social network sites and let people know how to find it..

By Sunday lunch I had been invited to have a public screening at…

The Marvellous Miniature Cinema, at the Horsebridge Centre as part of the Whitstable Biennale Satellite this September/October.

I’ll admit to being really quite pleased.