As I enjoy a couple of weeks uninterrupted work in the studio, part of me, even whilst loving the physical act of painting, is thinking that painting is the wrong answer, slow, out dated, redundant.

The companion photographs to accompany this series of paintings – weird and disturbing little vignettes – are quick, slick and seductive to make and view.

I had been considering showing the photos as small ‘labels’ to the paintings but now I think they could be enlarged to the same 1m x 1m proportions as the paintings and be hung as diptychs. This of course is an expensive proposition, especially when you include printing and framing the photographs.

I am as a rule, uncomfortable with seeking funding for my projects, believing rather, that if at all possible artists should pay for their own production costs. An unpopular notion I am sure; but I do recognise that for certain projects it is the only way to get things made or produced and this may be one of those times.

[In the time between writing this and deciding on the images to post with it, my mind wondered up to the idea of making this a purely photgraphic project. On the face of it this seems like a straightforward solution to my unease, but there is something about the paintings, about painting that won’t let go.]

More thinking time required….


Its been a busy time since last I blogged, reading, reading, looking, making reading. Showing, selling, marketing and working.

And the conculsion I have reached is to do an MA in fine art. I have considered it many times over the last 20 years and now I believe the time is right.

Next week I have an appointment for and “initial chat with the head of the course. I have the application forms printed and ready to go, I’ve even lined up assistance with the fees.

onwards and upwards


A lot of time recently reading and researching, diving into the pool of new data visualisations and net-art has led to the creation of a new website experiment:


a simple first step into the warm waters.


time, time, time

grey skies


brain work


In the winter cold, out walking with my camera. Taking a break from uploading some old black & white negatives onto the computer. Playing around in my digital darkroom, having fun. Just enjoying making, not worrying about results. Sometimes that’s when inspiration strikes, sometimes that’s when the delete button gets well used.