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phew, what a round-a-bout.

I am trying to organise a public outdoor screening for a new film as part of the Whitstable Biennale Satellite. Mostly I have encountered enthusiastic and helpful people but trying to establish whether or not I might require planning consent or temporary events licence is proving to be a circular process. Maybe I do need one, maybe I don’t, but so far no one is willing to go on the record, even at the planning office to say I definately don’t.

At this rate I am hoping to have 3 films screening at different locations during the Biennale. So I am feeling good, if tired trying to keep all the balls in the air. Plus I am doing an all day art market in Ashford tomorrow to try to keep the free exchange of art for money going!

And a week’s holiday, planned long before all these other balls went into orbit, the week before the Biennale. Hopefully I’ll be relaxed and not a screwed up ball of elastic by the time I get back.