I’m spending the next few days catching up with things and assessing progress. Postponing the storywalk while being disapointing because I am not able to realize a larger scale installation right now is also a huge relief as it gives one the time to take stock. I am very much looking forward to moving forward on the ‘books’ I am making with community help at the St George’s Church studio. Work during the summer has been rather disrupted by trips and planning for events although I am very pleased with the trails made with Elmbridge children through the woods at West End, Esher.
Today was a much more encouraging one. I am working with children on an Elmbridge Borough Council holiday scheme as part of the Papertrails project. With the weather we have been having I imagined that we would be stuck indoors at the base improvising, however we were out all day and had fun making trails through the woods.
Well I thought that things might go awry with the Storytrail and they have. Is it a case of too many elements involved or just that people are on holiday? Anyway there are not enough people signed up to attend so the day is being postponed. I think its better to do this now rather than panic on the day, especially as so many other people are involved. Thanks to everyone at Elmbridge Borough Council who have put in time on this. We are going for dignified retreat rather than being put to rout.
The work and planning for the storytrail is mainly in place now. All it depends on now is good weather and people wanting to take part! Which isn’t certain at all. However, onward! I am looking forward to seeing some of the work on a bigger scale across the woods and that will be happening whatever the weather. Over the last few days I have been looking at other types of landscape as I have been visiting family. So it will also be good to return to working in the lush Surrey woodland.