Viewing single post of blog Papertrails Residency

The first couple of weeks have gone by in a blur of activity. there are so many things competing for my time, from admin to moving my equipment into the studio. There is a launch event on Thursday 22nd February to which many of the potential participants have been invited. I am struck by how much good will this project has generated and how much interest. I am already taking bookings for studio workshops in June. For Thursday I am going to show all my preparatory work and ideas for the project. Only two weeks into 'Papertrails' I obviously can't show much fully resolved work. Although I am interested by how my ideas have moved and changed now that I am actually engaged in the project. Where I originally envisaged scattering light catching ephemeral elements forming lines and enclosures, I now find I am intensely interested in the colours of the land itself. Joking with Bettina from artsagenda the other day I said "Never mind 'Papertrails', at the moment mud trails is more it."