Now, a concise version of my statement:
Catherine Wynne-Paton (b. Banbury UK, 1977) grew up in Wiltshire and moved to Wales in 2011, studying at Hereford College of Arts. Her work is driven by investigation the relationship between the physical world and the world of text and is often a response to conversation, individual word collections and specific sites. In her exploration of the gap between the perception of text and the reality of it she attempts to uncover visions locked away in words and phrases.
This is ok, and feels more professional, but doesn’t give a lot of detail. I can always add detail relevant to each project at the end.
Last time I edited my website I went for a title list of my works leading into details and images for various projects and works, but I don’t feel it works very well and previous to that I had a simple slide show of visuals, keeping text descriptions to a bare minimum of title, media, size and year. A variation of these that I think would work well now is having a gallery grid showing one image from each year as a cover image to the years’ gallery.