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Today I was considering Louise Bourgeois and her sculpture ‘The Blind Leading the Blind”. I have some sawn rafters from my house from when we extended the roof out. They have been propped against my wall for ages, and something about them reminds me of Bourgeois’s sculpture. They look like hobby horses, they look as if they are about to walk, they look as if they need support to walk too. How does this reference Patriarchal societies?

The blind leading the blindedPatriarchal societies suppress women- the blinded. Those Patriarachal societies have got the world into the mess it is today.

“if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch” Matthew 15:14

Well, the world is certainly in a ditch now isn’t it?

Climate change; economic mess, erupting wars. Who do we thank for this then? Most certainly Patriarchal societies and patriarchal religions.

Within a Patriarchal society what are the leading elements?

The Law, the Church/Religion, Big Pharma, Banking ,Government/ Politics- Medicine to a certain extent .The BBC too – think how long Jimmy Saville got away with thinking

( knowing) he had total licence to abuse….

All of these institutions trample on the powerless. These are most often women and children.

But what is more insidious is that within Patriarchal societies, women are indoctrinated and accept their lesser status.