Back in February (and I thought I’d already posted a blog in here!) I ran an hour’s Peace Painting workshop at The Collection Museum and Art Gallery, organised via Paradigm Arts.

I thought initially that this would be a talk for teachers about the Peace Painting Project, but I had to put together an ad hoc workshop.

Further images and details are in this blog.

I’ve since been experimenting with a few ideas for my own work and discovering that I have had to set up an all-new profile for Grantium.

Rob and I agreed to apply for Arts Council grant funding this spring, however, Catrine has sent me a brochure to use to send to companies in the UK to seek sponsorship and funding for the project.

I picked up a brochure from NSEAD and had a read of it recently to give me some ideas for the project.

I haven’t applied for Arts Council grant funding since 2014. I became completely disillusioned that any of my proposals, no matter how good, bad, big or small, would be accepted and funded.

Even when I had advice, I was made to feel that it’s simply a waste of time putting together proposals, and wasn’t in any position financially to risk it any more.

I have started work on one again, which is a bit like the description a lovely couple gave of visiting their son on the acute ward at the mental health hospital…..

But as I could be made destitute by Universal Credit next month, it’ll be a miracle if I get time to finish it….


Last month I was invited to give an hour’s talk about the Peace Painting project at the annual Paradigm Arts Art & Design Conference at The Collection Museum and Art gallery, Lincoln.

Images and experiences are in this blog

Recent work I’ve been developing for my own practice, is in this blog and this blog