This was my journey to work this morning, following the road as it winds around the voes and cliffs to get to Skeld primary school, over on the western mainland. It was a grey, breaking day, the wind is back after a day of calm, the calm after the last and before the next storm. The school is on an exposed site, on top of a hill and as I was unloading the car all the small paper sculptures I had blew across the car park, need to get some lids on those boxes! The children created some pocket sized ‘fish’ inspired sculptures using very thin metal sheet, as it is a small school of only 17 pupils everybody had a go. They explored drawing forms and then cutting out and translating into a 3d work. We also had a introductory chat about the project and what words like ‘sculpture’, ‘3d’ and ‘abstract’ mean in terms of art.
Leaving the school as the day was closing and the light starting to fade, I was faced with this view, pretty amazing really.