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Viewing single post of blog Pelagic Sculpture Project, Shetland

First day of really starting to process all of the information and experiences I have had in the past 5 weeks that I have been here in Shetland. Cleared out the studio downstairs this morning and set up working area. The studio space is down on the water level and the wind is still strong, can hear the waves hitting the stone wall and the wind rattling the doors. It is a cold and damp space, full of remnants of previous artists, two heaters on all day. Spent the rest of the day working on quick ink sketches trying to extract shapes and forms from the photos I have of boats old and new, also wanted to work in a quick and fluid way, to try and break through and loosen up the thought process. All the ideas and thoughts are still in my head and I need to get one out before I can move onto the next. Keeping this blog is quite unusual for me in the working process of a project, being more public about the work and showing drawings and images that would normally not get seen, the final artwork normally being the visible end result.