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We’re back !! and so is the wind, in full force, I have missed writing here everyday, it has been a useful discipline, a way to filter the day and to gain a little distance on it, especially at the moment when I am working through ideas and often getting entrenched, sometimes too much, can’t quite see clearly which way to follow yet, or what is working or not, even though I have just over a week to pull together, it is all there I know, and the fog is starting to clear, it is starting to fall into place. I know what I want, I have a sense of what it is, just how to grasp it, how to organise all those elements, how it get it out and into the world, making sense, existing as a real object, that’s interesting enough !
In the meantime over the last days we have had a lot of this……rain and this…..sea, all around us and this…..wrestling with ideas some of this…..looking at boats and some of this……hibernation, I know not very professional to put a photo of the dog on but here he is Ravi, in a warm, blurry glow, very asleep.