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I told you there would be more questions.

I look at the nature of my tools: my stitch is my pixel, my building block. What am I building then?

My work up to now has been more emotive, life driven, influenced by the personal. Sometimes uncomfortably personal. Because, to me, it is the personal that makes the work universal.

How do I make this personal?

This may be why I am less confident here… maybe the reason I’m struggling is the lack of emotional content. At the moment it is an interesting intellectual exercise…. But I’m not feeling it….

How do I get feely with a pixel?

Do I need to find the soul of the single stitch for this to work for me?

I am being prodded out of a smugness in my own ability to articulate.

I need to think and talk this through a bit…

Why do I stitch?

One stitch is me?

One stitch is useless?

Join a union!

Safety in numbers

Strength in numbers

The semiotics book I’m reading may help. I just need to work out what my signifier stitch has signified.

(I had intended at the beginning of this venture with Bo, that we would take it in turns to post. Turns out the blog reflects the relationship accurately… I talk too much rubbish, blurting it all out. He does the thinking, filters out the good bits and says it properly)