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It is a little bit frustrating sitting in a gallery thinking about tweeting, facebooking and blogging, then not being able to do it because the 15th century building you are in refuses to have anything to do with wifi or mobile phone signals.

By the time I get home, I’m then too tired to write!

So I might be a bit slow, but have discovered that the solution is simple… write while I’m here, then publish when I get home! Please forgive the stupidity, but I have been rather pre-occupied.

We like how it looks.

We think our work compliments each other: shape and pattern and scale are echoed from my textiles to Bo’s images.

The sentiments, starting points and themes converge and diverge with a nice rhythm.

The pixels and stitches stand together to build something strong…. But, as Bo has protested all along, stand alone beautifully too.

So, visually, very positive.

We’ve had some lovely comments in person, and in our little green book too:

“Virus images- a marvellous way to control the uncontrollable”

“A fascinating juxtaposition of ideas, processes and vibrancy”

“Fascinating use of found textiles, inspiring interpretations”

“Emotionally powerful”


“Amazing how stitch and pixel, pixel and stitch fit together so well… made me go away and think”

We’ve learned a lot about the process of exhibiting our work:

The gallery is a lovely space, but in practical terms too far from home. I’ve gladly spent my half term travelling between 80 and 100 miles each day – depending on the weather and whether I can face doing more miles in order for it to be on the motorway, so quicker… but… It’s Friday and I’m flagging…

The distance also means that only die-hard Elena and Bo fans with extra time and money are going to get here (thank you, you lovely people).

Because of time, distance and money, we didn’t do the private view thing – also because the first day of the show was Monday – who wants to get to Herefordshire on a rainy Monday night?

But we have missed a trick really because when the space has had a few people in it, the atmosphere has been buzzy.

So next time: closer to home, private view, and maybe when the sun is shining!

But we will be kind to ourselves, this is the first time we’ve done it, and it has to be said there are advantages to having the first learning experience be a little quieter, so next time we can use all the lessons we have learned to great effect.

(The photos I post are to give an idea of the space. We’ll post more pictures of the work in detail later)
