3 min blog #2

Time it tight. I am exhibiting at Kinetica in two weeks and have three pieces of work to finalize. They are all almost there. What to do first is the eternal dilemma.

Question no. 2: Should I instead be prioritising promotion – I need to get the people I want to be there… there. What to do?

Procrastination is the curse of all production. I have a long list. Is the answer ‘stick a pin in it?’


Here is a new idea for blogging (well new to me anyway but I’m new to blogging). I am going to try to do this posting in 3 minutes flat.

So apologies for spelling blips and any incoherence. No time to worry about it. Lack of time freedom will hopefully stop procrastination. and encourage a ‘just get on with it’ urgency.

Will this result in a ‘stream of conciousness’ or just a vague ramble

More importantly is this a good idea?


The last few days have taught me – you are nothing without PHOTOSHOP.

Technology I love you.


Since returning to this blog with a new (and steely) determination to continue with some regularity, I have had a a revelation.

1. At the weekend everything goes to pot.

This really should be no surprise. Every Monday morning I wake up as if to a whole new life – time to re-invent the wheel again – what was it that i was doing on Friday – no idea. It takes at least until lunchtime to get thoughts into a vaguely realistic line let alone do anything.

The question is how to avoid this?

Continue working all weekend? – not even remotely possibe with demanding husband and children and even more domestically delightful jobs to be done. There must be another way…

A possible solution is to write a list on Friday to remind me what to do on Monday? Unfortunately it is now Saturday – half-way through brain-obliteration time. I will schedule it into my diary for next week. Doing it now…. by Monday I will have forgotten.


What can I do but state the obvious as evidence proves – yes I have failed to plan my day to allow for blogging. I have however managed to do quite a few of the other objectives I set myself – managing to get most of my ‘list’ done each day. Getting up at 6.30 and fitting in an hour of work before 15mins of cut-throat e-mail ‘slash and burn’ having got my e-mail in box down from 280 to a respectable 138 (ok – I know but it’s better!) and then doing some spritually enlightening yoga (whilst yelling at the children to get ready for school -obviously).

My target of setting myself fewer projects at one time is partially working and I am trying to target things that specifically suit my work.

So it is with great excitement that I can reveal that I will be showing my work at KINETICA next month.

Frantic publicity making is now taking over – not quite to the Edinburgh Fringe lengths that I went to but nearly….

Now I need to know where to send everything to.

I have decided to do a round up of my year to let people know what I have been up to – is this a good thing to do – I’m not sure – it could be the equivalent of a ’round robin’ in tackiness or a fabuously brilliant and inspired idea. I am trying to limit cringe-factor by keeping it to pictures not words. I had intended to send it by e-mail in addition to post – in the spirit of thriftyness – however as it comes out at 27MB in memory I don’t think it will send too well – Note to self – find out how to send big files – there must be a way….