I have realised that I am never happier than with a pile of torm up clothing trying to fit together a reverse style jigsaw puzzle – the piece will all fit together to make what I want, I may just have to rip them to shape.

Space constraints now mean that my poor family are eating around a life-size fabric figure which CANNOT BE MOVED OR THE PIECES WILL FALL OFF. Can’t do this at the studio as it is my 6am project, and also no room at studio now too full of bags of tights and plumbing parts.

There is a solution to all this somewhere.


Today I have been preparing lots of old/discarded clothes ready to make another life-size figure.

I love it when the seasons change as it means that I get a whole new influx of materials to work with as the children grow out of things or they are just too scruffy to keep. It’s like shopping without the shopping. My children get quite cross when I start to covert a pair of jeans they are wearing with a hole in the knee – I feel like a vulture circling.

This afternoon taking the lining out of a coat – pulling the sleeve outer bit off the padded inner felt just as if I were skinning a rabbit (not that I have ever skinned an actual rabbit) but it felt incredibly old fashioned and frugal as I separated all the important bits – labels, pockets, zip, worn areas, away from the pristine fabric. Each ‘treasure’ then goes into a separate pile in my (size diminishing) studio ready for whenever the time is right. And for the pile of green clothing in the corner – today is your lucky day…..


I am trying to decide the best way to promote ReFfluxus. – How do all the movements get going – how do I find like-minded people whose work fits all my esoteric notions which are not yet completely outlined. I feel the need for a manifesto… but how does one write one?

I have started a twitter page which will just feature lines of manifesto as they occur. The problem with Twitter (or maybe I don’t just have the cutting edge technique) is that it takes a while to get followers and not sure how to get the right followers.

I know there are lots of people out there who would fit into RefFluxus but getting them together is tricky.

My manifesto so far (in reverse order):

•refFluxus reflects with recycling

•ReFFluxus is the serious application of humour

•ReFfluxus is original reinvention

•ReFfluxus is not regurgitation

•RefFluxus is balanced in an unbalanced way #ReFfluxus

•Reffluxus calls a spade a spade but might find an unusual use for it

•ReFfluxus is not conceptual but about ideas

•reFfluxus recycles with reverence

•refFluxus may refer and reinvent.

•refFluxus manifesto is pending

•reFFluxus is participatory

•reFFluxus may contain humour

•reFFluxus is an involuntary response


Met my brilliant Creative Northants mentor Morag today for another inspiring session. This has been such a help for me and I am always amazed at the stuff and people she knows.

Have come away with a useful list of things to do and people to call, who will hopefully simplify things and keep me on the ‘straight and narrow’ avoiding distractions and not getting too bogged down with the stuff I could get help with. As always it is who you know (and a bit of what you know) that counts – in labour saving, hair pulling outing, and preventing money down drain, ways.

Make life easy – me?


Been forgetting to do this:

Day plan @07:05am

1. Run/hobble 3miles

2. Measure trunk width of 6 trees.

3. Count easter workshop bird bodies/yacht bases and inform lovely library manager of workshop details

4. Finish 300 word project proposal

5. Buy length of correct bore hose+check price for 50metres

6. Make 4 flower samples + weigh

7. Seal shower with silicone sealant.

8. Put bins out

An eclectic mix I think. Always wondered why I didn’t fancy an office job.