Mark the Day on the Street – 15/12/10
Resulting from our pop-up studios day, Joan Birkett produced this piece of work. She says “I’ve called it- Mark the Day on the Street – 15/12/10. Two young graphic art students from the college drew onto my canvas which I have now worked into. Found it interesting to do because I felt I needed to be aware of their marks as part of the development of the work,”
Well, Platform applied for a NAN bursary, but didn’t get it, but on the plus side, the local paper featured our pop-up studio event:
From St Helens Star website:
Artists campaign for studio space
6:00pm Sunday 2nd January 2011
A GROUP of artists seeking an affordable ‘platform’ to work in St Helens took their campaign the town’s streets.
They produced artworks in the town centre to highlight their need for affordable and accessible studio spaces.
Calling themselves Platform, the 15 strong art squad – made up of painters, photographers, poets and filmmakers – produced their art in public.
Claire Weetman, one the art campaigners, told the Star: “Whereas in Liverpool and Manchester or other towns there is studio space for artists to work in together that is affordable, there isn’t any in St Helens.
“If you want studio space, you have to go out to one of the cities. We are looking at suitable venues and are trying to access bursaries to support us.”
To keep up to date on the campaign see