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A good point to start would be the interim show/assessment we had last week. It is generally the case that for our past assessments, tutorials and group critiques we set up the work in either our cleared-out studio spaces or the postgraduate room. For our final group critique and interim assessment we went off site and set up the work in an artist-led space near the university. It was a challenge to test the work in a different setting and I soon realised how much of a comfort zone my studio space had been! It’s is a lot easier to set up in place you have working within for the last two-years, it’s a space you have been constantly testing out methods of display etc. It is also like a Mechano set and with the large white boards you can create the near perfect space you require.

Off site we were in unfamiliar territory, in a space which would not necessarily accommodate everything we hoped to achieve in terms of display. For my work the approach I take to the display is a continuation of the work itself and the finer details are so important. So when it came to setting up the work it was very time consuming, hard work and a huge learning curve! I had to make several compromises in how much I put out as I am quite a prolific maker but I found that this enabled me to edit the work down. Also in the amount of space I gave each work and which works could go on the one area of wall space I had to work with.

Overall I found it a very enriching experience despite the teething problems at first. Eventually it came together rather well and has given me further thoughts on how to edit and refine my work even further.