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It was the last day of the undergraduate degree show at Plymouth University today, which can only mean ours is getting closer now! The BA students are now expected to take their work away by the weekend and we then enter the space on Monday. I think we might have a bit of wall removing and cosmetic work to do on the space before we can start installing.

Our assessments are on the 10th July, so we have 9 days, and providing all goes well with the students’ work being out of the space when we turn up on Monday I think this is a reasonable amount of time to work in.

I’ve been getting quite anxious recently and my sleeping patterns are all over the place. But at least I have the MA project report out of the way. Nothing like leaving it till the last minute though. The written work was ready well in advance and I decided, because I have ONE bookbinding workshop under my belt, that it would be a great idea to make my report into a handmade book. It was honestly the hardest thing I had done this whole MA! After 3 attempts, I did it, it’s far from perfect and only because time was not on my side I stopped at the third one. I had it under a heavy slab of granite drying on the Monday and not too concerned about the deadline the day after as I thought I would make it good time. Well, I was up all night worrying about not waking up in the morning, then in the morning I was not fit enough to drive (50 mile round trip in the car) so decided to have a nap, luckily my husband got me up in time and I got to the hand in desk with 5 minutes left till the deadline. Least it’s in now and now I could concentrate on the show.

If you fancy reading the report it is online now www.independent.academia.edu/RebeccaHarris1

With the project report out of the way I remembered it was that time of year the car’s MOT was due, so thought I would quickly check, only to find it expired days before. Not best pleased and the last thing I need right now as I would not be able to get to Plymouth to work in the studio! I tried to remain optimistic and took the car to the garage but they found the exhaust was dangling off the car, so I am still waiting to get the car back and am grateful for an overdraft!

Whilst stuck at home I have started on another work, similar to the one pictured but working in black linen this time. I know I have enough work to put on my MA show but there is also a voice niggling that says you could always make one more piece, one more better piece, what if that work you’re putting is not good enough, can you improve it? Make another piece that says what that ones says but better? Or is it just me?

Another way of spending my time productively at home is I have given my website a facelift so it’s ready for anyone who then sees the show, takes a card and checks it out. You can also see that here: www.rebecca-harris.com