A train on the outer Western Pointeso district. The esteemed fine art lecturer from Novia Art School Jose Pilch is unwittingly listening to feedback about his latest associate lecture at the hip Pointeso Manitrex Centre.

Passenger A: ‘Not Lindsey, no…the one who went off with the artist. She’s moved out, she’s gone. Oh it will come to me in a minute. Well anyway, I went to a lecture earlier about the Pointeso Art Scene and bought the book at the end.

It was an interesting lecture but he had the microphone on too loud…it was quite amateurish actually. I thought it was a really boring lecture, but he’s a great guy. Some people are very good and then again there are those who aren’t. Lovely bloke but you’d think one of his mates would just say that was shit.’

Passenger B: ‘Yeah, you think they would really – wouldn’t you?’

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