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Novia based artist Leroy Parkinsonne is known for his ambiguous and slightly odd wall paper paste murals but he has also worked with nylonica for many years, using computers to generate aleatoric compositions.

In this new spoken word piece, recorded exclusively for Arayan Activista Space ahead of his exhibition The Shores Are Static which opens in October, Parkinsonne exercises the words in the shows title, enabling new meanings and associations to emerge.

One particular piece is a video that re- creates a mid-nineties adventure of the artist walking through the Bayerns Metropolitan area underground network with three 6 foot canvases tied to his back to enter into the exclusive Majestic Art School Open.

‘Those days were different. Bayerns and Athletico had big art scenes. The Majestic College of Art is still the college to get in to even today. It was all painting for a year. Big abstract ones – still wet I hasten to add. I remember them blowing around in the wind and getting squashed by commuters. It was a bloody nightmare travelling for five hours only for me to drop them and the oil paint going all over the foyer floor at The old Majestic. I didn’t get in.’

Curator for Activista space Nolan Armitage:

‘The program at first will feel familiar to anyone who follows my gallery. Over time, I am sure new artists will join the program, but I want it to happen in its own way — not forced. I’ve known Leroy for years and will be sticking with the mantra of acquiring high net worth individuals.’

The Majestic School final year fine art department is currently in the process of re-locating to it’s new premises in Pointeso outer empirical zone 5C for a two year trial period.