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X transferred itself into the third gallery space at the Naze Vale Gallery, panning into a fragmented conversation between the jurors for the Parkway Art Prize and a curator from the exclusionary Parkway Space.

Juror 1…Female…mid-twenties…long black hair…existentialist styled spectacles…quirky eyelashes…cadmium red lipstick.

Juror 2…Male…mid-forties…shaved thinning light hair…heavily tanned…muscular build.

Curator…fairly nondescript…

Curator: ‘This is Helene Yarrow…another juror from The Parkway Open…’

Conversation here is somewhat muffled…background interference…echoes etc.

Juror 2: ‘Ah…I’m Thomas Henchwell…also one of the jurors…well…director…and her entourage…interestingly…trying to capitulate…the problem I had with his work was my question ‘but is there something underneath it yah?…hmmm..but what a real shaaame it couldn’t be more imaginative?’

Juror 1: ‘Yeah.’

Juror 2: ‘The significant post – relational essence looked a bit…well…they do…yah..yep…the arbitrariness of it…could have chosen any one of them.

Juror 1: Voice becomes muffled.

Juror 2: ‘Yah…yep…sure…sure…of course…one can dabble here and dabble there…there you go…(voices become muffled) yeeeah…oh really…ok…hmmm…no she’s part of the Pointeso School…yeah playfulness…creative hub…yah…description…well even the name Neo – opst relationalism is indeed a question for us all…’

The voices fade out as X moves on through to Gallery 5 and is confronted by a tessellated cube of gold rotating freely in the centre of the space.