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[continued from previous post….] Anyway, the other dream I had was last night; huge engulfing, destructive waves – hmmm, there’s a pattern here, my dreams are quite destructive! – well, this time the dream was slightly different, the waves were not so threatening, and I wasn’t running away in terror as I usually do, I was helping people up on to this ledge, I remember being really scared that I had the responsibility to pull these people to safety. My little brother was there again, and my dad and sister, I was worried they wouldn’t make it. I looked up in horror as the next swell increased; it looked like a giant wall of darkness, it just kind of froze there, and then I think I woke up.

Well, I’m not really sure what to make of it, there is definitely some resounding themes. Responsibility seems to be on the forefront. It’s interesting how the water dream has changed, ever so slightly; I will be interested to see how it changes again. I’ve never actually been swept away by it, it is always a threat. Maybe I need to let myself get swept away, perhaps then I will stop being so afraid, or maybe that will start a whole drowning dream reoccurrence.