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Whilst working on a drawing today some rather obvious but important points sprung to mind, I realised that it is only through continuous practice that I as an artist can really understand 1. What I love and 2. What I consider valuable about the art I make.

I guess I have been stuck in a ridiculous mind set regarding drawings that in order to be worthwhile they should be large. This is obviously not the case. Some of the smallest things i own are the my most prized possessions. I think it was originally the fact that I wanted huge amounts of intricate detail to be almost hidden within the scale of the paper.

I have arrived at these rather obvious observations only through the constant thought practice evokes in ones mind. Those more abstract of connections of different things seem to marry perfectly whilst I am drawing.

On a completely different note I have been musing on which way to push my drawings: I reverted in the end to my default setting and let what comes – come.

Get the pen on the paper and let it flow.


In the spirit of continuing to progress my practice I have decided to enter works into both the Royal Academy summer show and the Royal West of England academy show. I guess it will help me focus on completing work and also make me think about the quality of what I am producing. I fully expect to be refused – and perhaps as opposed to pessimism I am thinking about it as being realistic. These simple acts are more valuable to me for what they offer my internal practice rather than the exhibition opportunity. That said it would be a fantastic result being accepted in either.

I’m already enjoying the process of thinking about what to submit, the prospect of the deadline and a goal to work towards. It has also reinforced the ethos of having to start somewhere and being prepared to take rejection and continuing onwards regardless.


So, I thought I would update what was going on here in my modest but developing practice. I have been working feverishly with every spare minute of time I have between going through the motions of my average day. Obviously work and then looking after the family are the two preoccupations that are the largest to circumnavigate.

I have had mixed success creatively speaking in my view so far, from finishing older pieces that have goaded me through the sheer amount of work and willpower they required to finish them – finished; to starting to look at how I inform my own practice and the ways in which I need to enrich my drawings. This would have come S second nature to a student but succumbing to the wilderness for so long has rusted once well oiled parts.

Through my practice now I have made a solid resolve to push my life path back intone titis life – something I should never have let slip. In a way though it has taught me just how precious my practice is to me, helped me realise the value of time and how to spend it. Furthermore I have been reminded of just how lucky I feel to be invigorated and stimulated by something as challenging as visual art.

In other news I have started an Instagram account, please feel free to take a look.



Since completing several pieces of work recently – mostly drawing from older source material I have found myself at a point where although the work is flowing freely I feel I need to conduct some research into subjects I consider to be the “roots” of my practice.

Maybe this is because I need to start looking at fresher ideas now that my practice is back in place and rolling nicely; maybe I feel my work needs more enrichment from a theoretical point of view. This led me to question why I felt the need to do this? My work has never been driven by current affairs, politics or the like – rather it has always developed organically, perhaps informed by my own personal interests and things that I find curious. This the. Filters through and comes out in some way, shape or form through the end of a pen or a pencil…eureka, no I actually mean EUREKA!!!

Thank you A-N Blog

Through the process of writing this blog I have inadvertently found the next steps I need to take.


So I finally manage to finish this drawing and with also find a renewed vigour to work with every spare moment I can find.

Although not one of my favourite drawings as it was so labour intensive it became a personal goal to finish this piece. Through the monotony of extended repetitive mark making – which in itself is not hugely inventive I found the creativity positively fizzing around within my head; further ideas, the notions that were driving this piece forward, how the ideas had mutated, developed and just how the drawing had changed throughout its creation.

One thing that I have been reminded about is there is no substitute for getting stuck in and working single mindedly.

Follow your artistic convictions.