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I will be analysing the different sites for exploring and applying for opportunities as an artist in England.


Easy to get around the site when you have been using it for a while and understand how it works. Once you click on the ‘job’ tab at the top, you can navigate through the the opportunities available and narrow them down into different sub categories, like ‘art vacancies’ or ‘exhibiting’ . It is a little bit convoluted but you can find what you’re looking for eventually.


This was slightly better as the site is more user friendly, and the sub categories are more niche and include sections which are more applicable to me, such as ‘new graduates’. IT also has a clear section down the side to look at their socials. It also has a guide for people looking to find out how to find the right opportunities for them which i though was useful.


Much more engaging website compared to those mentioned above. I found myself scrolling on this site for longer. I like how each advert has concise sections immediately visible so i don’t have to enter each one individually. The advert shows clearly who is eligible, the deadline and what you get out of it. It also has links to socials related to the advert so you can check out the companies, which i liked. The site is so clear and user friendly, so i would be likely to visit it again in the future to search for opportunities.


A site that seems to be used mostly for prize and open call submissions. There is an option to sort by deadline and to search by using keywords. It seems user friendly and clear to use and I like the individual panes. My only negative would be that the deadlines are written in small writing at the bottom, and opportunities that have closed are still being showed, and its difficult to notice which is open or closed unless you read each pane at the bottom, which is frustrating.

This image shows the difference between an open submission and a closed one, and it isn’t very clear!


This site was laid out well with each opportunity clearly separate to the next and the information you need laid out in the landing page so you don’t need to enter each one separately, which i liked. I do not like the images they use, as they take up too much space and the site seems like it is laid out using Excel, which is not very eye catching or interest-keeping for me.

There is also no way to sort the opportunities or a search bar to find what you are specifically interested in, which others sites have.