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De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea

Found a Kjell Torriset catalogue in the shop – I hadn’t seen his work before – really like the installations.
Coffee and cake on the terrace – lots of ideas for new work.

I need a good concentrated period of making. There are so many demands on my time (and distractions) at the moment. I often think of a TV programme that Tracey Emin made a few years ago. She spoke with Maggie Hamlin about art and motherhood – Hamlin said that she made a decision not to have children because choosing between the child was screaming in one room and a canvas was screaming in another was a decision she never wanted to have to make.

Didn’t get the cornwall residency – this time! Continuing to look for residencies that are focussed on artist’s practice and developement.

Looking forward the the AIR Open dialogues event next week.