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One week until I deliver my work to the Spring Exhibition … there is a lot to do in that time – practical things to attend to with the actual pieces, and other things to do with the stuff around them – writing two texts (and getting them proofread), making a short video showing how the work can be installed, getting them photographed (in the studio). I am sure that a week is sufficient time to do all of this … so long as I stay focussed.

As soon as I finish this post I will re-read the letter/mail from the exhibition/gallery to double check what I need to do and to make sure that I haven’t missed anything.

I am excited and nervous about the show … about my work in the show … about the potential exposure (and criticism) that the exhibition will generate. I have never been involved in something on this scale before. The scale is interesting … and even confusing … in some ways I can feel like a very small part of a very large event, but then I think about the fact that five works will be shown and that they will make quite a visual impact … unless they are hung in an out of the way location – the gallery is vast with seven maybe eight large rooms. I can’t imagine visitor numbers of 100 000 – that far exceeds anything I have previously done. And the range of visitors – art lovers, art collectors, art professionals, art students, artists(!), tourists. I imagine that the kinds of reactions and response might be different from different visitors but I have difficulty imagining what those reactions and responses might be: appreciation, curiosity, criticism.

Do I expect to sell? I can’t say that I do but it would be very nice!

I am expecting a certain level of criticism – the ’I could have done that’ kind of thing, the question is whether or not I will hear it or not. Might someone bother to email me or comment on Instagram? What kind of press and media coverage will there be?

Between delivering the work and the exhibition opening I want to make sure that my website is up to date and tidy. It will be interesting to see if it gets more visitors, and if my Instagram account attracts more viewers.

Now to get on with day’s tasks!



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